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Mirai Live

Discover over 600+ videos, featuring 800+ hours of bonsai education and 114 different tree species worked. Ryan Neil and 16 additional world-renowned bonsai professionals explore hundreds of major techniques to elevate your bonsai practice.

Mirai Mobile

Mirai Mobile is THE destination for learning how to grow bonsai trees. As the FIRST and ONLY personalized bonsai guide, we use short-form videos and tutorials to walk you through fundamental bonsai care and the techniques that advance your bonsai practice.

Species Care Guides

Every bonsai tree can thrive in its containerized environment with the proper horticultural techniques and aesthetics. Our species care pages offer fundamental guidance to help you excel, keep your trees vibrant, and advance your bonsai skills.

Bonsai Tree Gallery

Delve into the bonsal tree gallery curated by Ryan Neil and showcased in the Mirai Collection. Each meticulously crafted tree invites viewers to immerse themselves in the beauty of nature, fostering inspiration and a profound connection to the world around us.

Bonsai Inspiration

Discover a treasure trove of bonsai inspiration in our blog, where expert guidance covers everything from design principles to repotting techniques. Our blogs provide tailored tips for every stage of bonsai growth, while captivating stories and stunning visuals inspire a shared passion for this ancient art form.

Mirai Goods

Collaborating with talented artists and craftspeople worldwide, we design and source exquisite, handcrafted goods essential for realizing our visions at the highest level. Our work seamlessly integrates trees into architectural environments, bridging the gap between the built world and the natural one, all while maintaining a continuous exploration of diverse artistic mediums capable of giving trees a voice.


Mirai Academy is the result of years of 1 on 1 instruction and the input of thousands of students. This is the educational tool we always wanted, answering the how and why of the art of bonsai.

Mirai Mobile is our innovative app that tells you what to do and when.

Mirai Live is our in-depth online library of graduate level bonsai education.